yoga pose, child's pose, wellness, rest, stretch, namaste, mudra, relax, reduce stress, reduce anxiety


Why yoga, meditation, mindfulness & breath work?

Here’s what’s waiting for you on the other side of a practice with me (get ready to feel so much goodness!)…

  • Relief/ reduction in symptoms of stress, anxiety & overwhelm

  • Increased mindfulness & presence

  • Improved self-awareness/sensitivity

  • Improved concentration/ mental clarity/ focus

  • Promotes of restful sleep

  • Offers relaxation, rejuvenation & restoration

  • Replenished endurance/ energy

  • Nervous system regulation/ restoration of emotional balance

  • Improved physical balance and coordination

  • Cleansing and nourishing of tissues through increased respiration and circulation

  • Pain relief

  • Postural improvements

  • Reduction in muscle tension

  • Improved muscle strength and tone

  • Increased joint flexibility

  • Increased range of motion

  • You’ll learn to love and understand your own body, heart & mind. You’ll begin to discover strengths and accept areas of resistance without fear or avoidance. With heightened sensitivity and awareness, you’ll grow in all areas of your life!


I’ve led practices in:

  • private studio spaces

  • public outdoor areas

  • schools (for students and faculty)

  • art galleries

  • auditoriums

  • classrooms

  • living rooms

  • corporate offices

  • doctors' offices

  • festivals & holistic retreats

  • virtually + in-person


  • people with no experience/ lots of experience

  • individuals/ couples/ small groups/ large groups

  • athletes

  • bridal parties

  • children/ teens/ adults/ elders

  • pregnant women in all stages

  • and the list goes on.

  • If you’re interested in exploring the possibilities of creating a yoga practice for yourself or a group, please get in touch!  


There are no prerequisites for beginning a practice and no rules for how and when it needs to happen (contrary to common belief!).

Yoga has the potential to adapt to individual needs and abilities. It teaches us to understand our body with respect and intuition. Make a commitment to begin at the beginning and work from where you are. Modify postures or movements until they feel right for you. When practiced with patience, heart, and our full attention, yoga delivers amazing results as we rise toward greater states of balance together! Remember— we’re aiming to quiet the mind as we move the body, to shift from a fragmented reality, toward more authentic integration. Allow the breath to guide you toward an internal focus free from judgement, comparisons, and competition in any realms of being.

You are enough— right here, right now!

Yoga is an intensely personal experience (often supported & nurtured by community) that over time allows you to know your beautiful self so much deeper.

yoga pose, folding forward bend, holding toes, leg stretch, bow head, back stretch, reduce stress, reduce anxiety, calm


Below is a *non-exclusive* list of yoga classes I’ve offered:

  • No experience necessary. Designed for those who are brand new to yoga. A slower paced multi-week session carrying students through the basics of yoga practice including diaphramatic breathing, body alignment, comprehensive movements to warm up the body, core asanas (postures of a hatha practice), and systematic relaxation techniques. Through demonstrations, and clear instruction, this class will build a foundation for an ongoing practice.

  • No experience necessary. Designed for beginners or those who need a more gentle practice for whatever reason, whether injury, pain, chronic stress, advanced age or another. Restore heath and wellness through focus on alignment, gentle stretching and range of motion exercises. This class is especially recommended for students in search of pain relief.

  • Class begins with a brief centering followed by a shorter warm-up of various regions of the body which tend to accumulate tension. Class progresses with a series of flow sequences transitioned by vinyasa to further warm the body. The bulk of class revolves around refinement of postures. More challenging variations may be offered and asanas may be held longer to allow the practitioner to focus on the energetic subtleties of the posture. Relaxation may be followed by short guided meditation.

  • This hatha class is structured so that anyone may participate, no matter the level of experience.  Poses are demonstrated offering a number of variations to suit any practitioner.  Yoga is inherently non-competitive nature allows each individual to work to his/her desired capacity on any given day!

  • Private sessions are tailored to your individual needs. The first meeting includes a consultation to discuss your personal goals. The subsequent sessions address those goals specifically, whether they include pain management, development of form, deepening of practice, strengthening or stretching specific areas of the body, calming the mind, managing stress or anxiety, etc.

  • Too many of us are stressed, overwhelmed, and energetically stagnant as we plunge into our workday.  We aim for productivity through multi-tasking and overextending, quickly becoming depleted and ultimately burned out. Yoga assists in rebuilding energy stores, quieting the mind to restore calm and clarity, and de-stressing the body.  It fosters a more balanced approach to challenges and increases creativity and problem solving skills by decreasing the harmful effects of stress.  Stated simply, it helps us move out of a flight or fight state of being so that we can function at our full potential. Deeper self-awareness leads to better relationships and more effective teamwork.  This practice assists with stress relief, stiff posture/pain associated with ongoing stationary positions, and mental drain.  You will reclaim a sense of energy, clarity, positivity, and peace of mind. Allow yoga to become an integral part of your employee wellness program by offering onsite or remote classes to build a stronger and healthier team. Get in touch!

  • No experience is necessary. Maybe you feel fantastic but would like some special time to connect with your growing little one, or maybe you desire to relieve stress, anxiety, and any pregnancy pains you may be experiencing (inside or out!).  Deeply align with your growing baby and savor the beauty in these magical early stages of mothering.  Prepare your body and mind for the challenges and intense emotions that accompany labor, delivery and healthy postpartum healing and recovery.  The class can also offer expecting moms (and/or new moms) a comfortable place to connect with other women and build a support network while moving through the incredible life changes of pregnancy, child birth, and beyond. As a mother of three, I would be honored to support you.

  • Yoga for the bridal party or the soon to be newlywed couple! This is a fun way to bring everyone together to connect, center, and stretch it out before the ceremony— to turn inward and align with internal energy. Calm any nerves, alleviate any tension, allow yourself to come into your body and mindspace with full awareness and a wholeness that will allow you to be fully present for a day filled with love, gratitude and support.

    YOGA FOR CHILDREN  On the surface, kids' yoga creates an extremely valuable platform for learning about the mechanics of the body, becoming familiar with body parts, coordinating movement and following directions. On a deeper level it aides in stress and anxiety reduction (yes, children suffer from these ailments also, though the effects may manifest differently than in an adult), self-control, anger management, and creating a general tool kit for dealing with emotionally difficult experiences.  It also supports the essential elements of self-expression and self-confidence. Even more communal emotions such an respect, kindness, acceptance and love for others are developed and nurtured through the various aspects of a yoga practice. Yoga kids are happy kids!

  • On the surface, kids' yoga creates an extremely valuable platform for learning about the mechanics of the body, becoming familiar with body parts, coordinating movement and following directions. On a deeper level it aides in stress and anxiety reduction (yes, children suffer from these ailments also, though the effects may manifest differently than in an adult), self-control, anger management, and creating a general tool kit for dealing with emotionally difficult experiences.  It also supports the essential elements of self-expression and self-confidence. Even more communal emotions such an respect, kindness, acceptance and love for others are developed and nurtured through the various aspects of a yoga practice. Yoga kids are happy kids!